The polyamide synthetic yarn has very high mechanical resistance and excellent resistance to high temperatures.All our nets are circular...
Archive for category: Uses
Yarn of pure latex rubber used to give the desired elasticity to the net. This is covered with various...
alice montini----Uses--0Yarn of pure latex rubber used to give the desired elasticity to the net. This is covered with various...
LOW TEMPERATURE COOKING Cooking products such as cooked ham mortadella or others, in water or steam, at a maximum...
HIGH TEMPERATURE COOKING Cooking products such as roasts or similar, in the oven, at temperatures over 120°c All our...
SEASONING OF UNGROUND PRODUCTS Seasoning products such as coppa-capocollo, culatello, pancetta, bresaola, requiring a high elastic power able to...
Stagionatura di prodotti quali i salami, che non necessita di un particolare potere elastico, la rete deve solo seguire...
FINAL PACKAGING Final packaging of finished products after the processing cycle All our nets are circular and with no...
alice montini----Uses--0Durante la stagionatura di questi prodotti, viene utilizzata una rete che non abbia un particolare potere elastico ma che...
Per la cottura di questi prodotti vengono utilizzate reti che resistano alle alte temperature e che possano garantire la...