Usually, said products require nets with a good or even strong elasticity in order to ensure the desired shape, and a red colour to improve the look. Similar application for some kind of northern specialities

Compare the pancetta nets

All our nets are circular and with no side seams, so they appear perfectly uniform over the entire circumference. This gives the finished product a great regularity. This is our range of food processing nets, find out which is best suited to your needs.

©Viscoretelastic Srl

Viscoret Elastic Nets S.r.l. - Via Magenta, 29 - 23871 Lomagna (LC), Italia 

T 39 039 9278191 F +39 039 5303224

R.E.A. Lecco n. 303127  – Partita IVA e Codice Fiscale n. 02961710130 – Cap. Soc. Euro 20.000 i.v.

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